How can I check my subscription status?
Your subscription status will be available on the platform from which you subscribed.
- Log in via a web browser (like Chrome)
- Follow this link:
It should bring you to this page:
- If you don’t see this page from following the link, click Profile image > settings > you’ll find Super Duolingo on the right hand side of your screen.
- From here you can check your subscription status, next payment date, cancel your subscription or update your payment information.
- On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to your devices system settings > [your name] /Apple ID
- Tap Subscriptions
- Find Duolingo Subscription. If status mentions ‘expires’, the subscription will expire on that date. If status mentions ‘renews/next billing date’, your subscription will renew on that date.
- On your Android phone or tablet, open your device’s Settings app > Google > Manage your Google Account.
- At the top, tap Payments & subscriptions.
- Tap Manage purchases, Manage reservations, or Manage subscriptions.
- To see more details, select an item.
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