Your subscription status will be available on the platform from which you subscribed.


  1. Log in via a web browser (like Chrome)
  2. Follow this link:
    It should bring you to this page:
  3. If you don’t see this page from following the link, click Profile image > settings > you’ll find Super Duolingo on the right hand side of your screen.
  4. From here you can check your subscription status, next payment date, cancel your subscription or update your payment information.


  1. On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to your devices system settings > [your name] /Apple ID
  2. Tap Subscriptions
  3. Find Duolingo Subscription. If status mentions ‘expires’, the subscription will expire on that date. If status mentions ‘renews/next billing date’, your subscription will renew on that date. 


  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open your device’s Settings app > Google > Manage your Google Account.
  2. At the top, tap Payments & subscriptions.
  3. Tap Manage purchases, Manage reservations, or Manage subscriptions.
  4. To see more details, select an item.